Discuss a movie with
your teen
Everyone loves movies. And teens in particular are eager to engage
in that other favourite movie pastime: the post-show analysis! With
a few well-chosen questions, you can use movies as a natural lead-in
to discussions about faith, godly choices, and the cultural forces that
influence your teen.
Get started with
Movie Nights at
Here are a few
questions you can
ask about any movie
(from Pluggedin.ca):
At Pluggedin.ca, we've made it simple for
you! You can download free Movie Nights
discussion guides for over 50 movies that
appeal to teens. There's no fuss, no stress
about what questions to ask. Just choose
the movie you want to use, download the
relevant discussion guide, and you're all set!
which character what would
you say is the
did you admire
the most? Why? main point of
this movie?
did the movie
Do you agree
say anything
or disagree
about God?
with it?
how do the
morals you
saw onscreen
compare with
the values
you've been
Find discussion guides for 50+ teen movies at Pluggedin.ca, including:
the mission
the princess bride
apollo 13
the count of monte cristo
a knight's tale
the lord of the rings
Nights for
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for ages